In recent years, medicinal plants have attracted a lot of attention globally. Since long time evidence has accumulated to demonstrate promising potential of medicinal plants used in various traditional, complementary and alternative systems especially for cancer treatment. Several folk medicinal plants have been studied for anti cancer pharmacological activity in recent years. The present review is aimed at compiling data on promising Phytochemical from folk medicinal plants for anticancer activity that have been tested in various disease models using modern scientific methodologies. Although it is still unclear whether nutraceuticals play a causal or supportive role in tumourigenisis, the special metabolic demands of cancer cells provide a unique target for therapy and to achieve it herbal medicines play an active role. A total of 84 medicinal plant species were reported to be used for cancer and tumour prevention or treatment; 69.05% of these were cited as being used for the treatment of tumors and cancer in general and 30.95% for specific tumors or cancers. The plants that were cited at a higher frequency were Azadirachta indica, Alstonia scholaris, Allium sativam, Withania somnifera and Zanthoxylum armatum. The species addressed here constitute interesting objects for future studies to various professionals in the field of natural products.